Electrical appliance energy efficiency label
With more energy-efficient electrical appliances you save on your electricity bill
It is becoming increasingly important for our electrical appliances to consume less energy.
The energy efficiency of an electrical appliance is its capacity to carry out its function with a lower energy consumption. The electrical appliance energy label is an information tool that allows you to determine quickly and easily the energy efficiency of electrical appliances.
It is based on a rating scale using letters and colours, which go from A and green for more efficient appliances to D and red for less efficient appliances. It includes up to 3 additional energy efficiency classes: A+, A++ and A+++.
It also includes a number of pictograms with additional information on the appliance's characteristics.
Energy labelling is mandatory throughout Europe for the following types of electrical appliances:
- Fridges and Freezers.
- Washing machines.
- Dishwashers.
- Tumble dryers.
- Combined washing machines-tumble dryers.
- Domestic light sources.
- Electric ovens.
Energy efficiency is measured using the following scale:
The most energy-efficient:
- A+++
- A++
- A+
Moderate consumption:
- A
- B
High consumption:
- C
- D
Although more efficient appliances are more expensive at the time of purchase, they generally pay for themselves before the end of their lifespan saving more in the long run.

Energy labelling
Energy labels have been informing electric appliance consumers since 1995. Because of the advancements in technology since then, this label has been revised in order to adapt it to the energy efficiency of today's appliances.
The European Union has established implementation dates for the new label, which apply only to cooling appliances, washing machines and dishwashers:
- Since December 2011, the use of the new European Union energy label has been mandatory, and the old one can no longer be used.
- Since April 2012 it is mandatory to mention the new energy class on all communication material which includes information related to energy, prices or technical data.
The products placed on the market before December 2011 which display the old label can continue to be sold with no time limitation.
The aim of energy labelling is to provide consumers with more information on energy usage when they buy a new electric appliance, so they can identify more easily their energy efficiency.
The energy efficiency level is represented by means of seven letters, from A+++ to D.
The most efficient appliances are rated A+++, A++ and A+.
All the energy labels on electric appliances have the same structure:
- At the top, next to the European Union flag, the name of the supplier or brand and the model identifier.
- In the middle, the appliance's energy class, using the scale of letters and colours.
- Next, the annual energy consumption.
- At the bottom, a series of pictograms with the selected characteristics.
So from now on, read the energy label carefully before you buy, and then decide responsibly.