Smart Mobility:
Adapt your garage to sustainable mobility.

Electric Charging Pre-Installation
Benefits for home owners
Benefits for the property owners' association

What do we offer you?
If you would like to upgrade your shared car park to this ever more sustainable world, we'll do the pre-installation of charge to prepare it for the orderly expansion of electric mobility.

You can benefit from:
The best terms for changing to electric mobility, with these two offers:
If you're already geared up for electric mobility, we'll install one charging point for €1.200 (€1.452 including VAT**).
If you change to electric mobility in the next 5 years we'll give you a 10% discount on the charging point and installation.
** Price including taxes. Includes indirect taxes: VAT (21%) for the Spanish Mainland and the Balearic Islands. For the Canary Islands, IGIC (General Indirect Canary Island Tax) (7%) applies, and for Ceuta and Melilla, IPSI (Tax on Production, Services and Imports) (4%) applies.

You can benefit from:
Installation of the cable tray running from the meter room to the parking spaces of those residents who wish to install a Charging Point. All neat and tidy.

Any questions?
Here you will find some of the most frequent questions, with their answers, in case they can help you.
Iberdrola has analysed the different technical alternatives that exist for charging in community garages and the most economical option for residents is for each owner to install a charge point in their space individually, depending on their supply point (meter). In this way, costs are optimised (no other power term is paid).
In order to avoid continuous works to install each charging point, the wiring from the garage to the meter room can be carried out. The most efficient way is to carry out a joint installation of a cable tray in the common areas in the garage, so that the wiring for the different installations is organised and access to the centralised metering is prepared for the different installations.
In all cases, if we want to have order and make it possible for all the neighbours to have a charging point in the future at the lowest possible cost, it will be necessary to undertake a community installation.
Iberdrola will carry out a first deployment of cable trays up to the parking spaces of the owners who are going to install a charging point with Iberdrola. These residents will have a particularly advantageous installation and CP price (€1.200+VAT for a Wallbox Pulsar Plus charging unit and its installation).
As more residents are interested in installing charging points, successive extensions of the cable trays will be installed.
Each owner of a parking space will pay €1.200 for a Wallbox Pulsar Plus charging point and its installation if they decide to have it installed at the time of the first execution of the cable trays. The cost of the installation (including up to 30 m of wiring) and the equipment outside this campaign is currently €1,600.00, therefore saving the owner 25 %.
If, once the first run of cable trays has been carried out, other owners decide to install the CP with Iberdrola, they will benefit from a 10 % discount on the cost applicable at that time. These prices do not include taxes.
If the owners? association is interested in the Smart Mobility POA solution, an Iberdrola installer will visit the community garage and carry out an estimate of the cost of deploying the entire tray in the garage and another estimate to install the tray up to the initially contracted charge points.
You have more questions?
Call us free at 900 929 293
We call you
- Online Plan
- Green Stable Plan
- Comparator of Electricity Plans
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- Precio de la luz hoy