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What kind of customer are you?
Electricity ≤ 10kW
Electricity > 10kW
2.0TD tariff hourly distribution
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Tariff schedule
The 2.0TD time periods differ according to the day of the week, the time of day and by geographical areas of residence which make up the power schedule (Peak and Off-peak) and energy billing periods (Peak, Intermediate and Off-peak).
Peak power period
The Peak power period consists of Peak and Intermediate energy periods, while the Off-peak coincides with both terms.
Off peak period
Additionally, the 24-hours a day on weekends and public holidays are also considered off-peak periods for both power and energy.
The 2.0TD tariff
All customers who had a version of a 2.0 or 2.1 tariff (A, DHA and DHS) will be switched to the toll structure known as 2.0TD, with the following characteristics:
2 power periods
Gives you the opportunity to contract a different power in each period. On 1 June, the previous contracted power was automatically maintained in both periods, but the power could be changed in the desired period to adapt it to your needs.
3 energy periods
For your convenience, Iberdrola's commitment is to maintain the hourly energy periods that are currently applied on the bill, such as the discounted period in your Made-to-Measure Plans. However, if you wish, we have contracting modalities with the 3 energy periods of the new toll tariff.
Energy periods and power must be updated to comply with the requirements of the new regulations, which is why customers must be notified of any upward or downward variations, for accurate information.
These changes meant that the price of the power term (fixed) was reduced while the price of the energy term (variable) was increased, so generally speaking there is a very similar billing to the usual one.
However, our customers have nothing to worry about, as all these changes were made automatically.
New 3.0TD and 6.XTD
All customers with a 3.0A tariff will have a 3.0TD tariff and customers with a 3.1A or 6.XA will have a 6.XTD tariff according to the voltage. Both these tariffs will have the same characteristics:
6 power periods
With contracted power rating, the same or different, in each period. The periods must be in "ascending order" so that the contracted power for each period is equal to or higher than the previous period. The change from the three current power ratings to the new 6 power ratings will be carried out as established in Circular 3/2020.
6 energy periods.
Which, like power, have different times for each month and day of the week.
With regard to power billing, from 1 June, the power to be billed is always the contracted power rating and only in the event of a higher power demand will it be billed as excess power. This excess use will be billed as an independent item, called "Excess Power Term".
Energy periods and power must be updated to comply with the requirements of the new regulations, which is why customers must be notified of any upward or downward variations, for accurate information. These changes mean that the price of the power term (fixed) is going down, while the energy term (variable) is going up, so generally speaking your energy bill will not change too much. However, our customers need not worry about anything, because all these changes are made automatically.
However, our customers have nothing to worry about, as all these changes were made automatically.
Responsible consumption
These changes are designed to encourage responsible energy use by giving customers more control over their electricity bills and the ability to influence the variable part of the bill by using more efficient electrical appliances and adopting routines that reduce energy use. It is also more conducive to the integration of emerging technologies like electrical mobility and self consumption.

Any questions?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions





The new regulations are Circular 3/2020, of 15 January, issued by the National Commission for Markets and Competition; and Royal Decree 148/2021, of 9 March, issued by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.

Circular 3/2020 establishes a new structure for tariff groups and billing terms, as well as the methodology for the annual calculation of the prices for these new electricity transmission and distribution tolls.

RD 148/2021 establishes the prices for electricity system charges and capacity payments for each tariff segment.

The aim is to encourage the use of the grids during off-peak hours when the cost is lower, so that consumers will have the option of consuming more efficiently, therefore helping to improve the efficiency of the system and the electrification of the economy.

The changes will apply from 1 June 2021.

No, you don't have to do anything. Iberdrola will take care of everything so that this change affects you as little as possible.

No, we are committed to maintaining the conditions the customer chose when signing their contract. If you have electronic billing, renewable energy or our fixed fee service, you will keep all these services.

No, the start and end dates of your contract remain unchanged.

No, it won't change. You will have the same contracted power and it will be applied to both periods unless you decide to change it to suit your needs.

Of course. You will be able to make two changes to your power during the 12 months following the entry into force of Circular 3/2020 without being charged connection fees and regardless of whether you have already made a change in the previous 12 months. However, if the new contracted power rating exceeds the maximum old power rating, the corresponding access and extension fees must be paid.

The ideal contracted power rating depends on your own personal consumption habits.

Yes, your prices will change when this regulation enters into force. As well as the items mentioned above, some other aspects have been changed by the ministry and by the CNMC. These extra costs or saving will be passed on accurately to customers.

The limitations to increasing power rating are the same. As you will have more than one power rating, the reference will be the highest during all the periods, which will be used to compare with its BIE and to generate the corresponding charges.

You may contract any power rating you wish in each period as long as none of them has a power greater than 15 kW. In this case, you will be charged a 3.0TD access rate (power rating above 15kW).

No. Because you will automatically be transferred to the same contracted power, you will not notice any difference at home.

This option is very useful if you have an electric vehicle or another high-power appliance, such as an electric water heater or electric heating. You will be able to consume more energy at a higher power at night when the price is lower, and have a lower power the rest of the time.

You need not worry about being charged penalties for exceeding your power rating. The power demanded by homes and small businesses is limited by a digital or analogue ICP that trips if it detects you are exceeding your contracted power. This is what is commonly known as "blowing a fuse". Only essential supplies, such as a hospital or lifts, have the capacity to exceed their power rating.

Yes, your prices will change when this regulation enters into force. As well as the items mentioned above, some other aspects have been changed by the ministry and by the CNMC. These extra costs or saving will be passed on accurately to customers.

Yes, there will indeed be 3 different energy periods, but you don't have to worry about this as you will continue with the same periods you had until now. If you like, visit for details of the available offers available in Customised Plans or with the new three periods.

No. Of course not. The three energy periods are a regulated hourly structure, but you are under no obligation to sign up for them. Iberdrola will continue to offer you the time schedule you already have, however, if you want to change, we have a great portfolio of offers, such as customised plans and promotional times so you can save on your bill.

Of course. As always with our customised plans, you will be able to use electricity at the times you most need to, at a better price. All you have to do is choose the plan that suits you best and start saving. Also, remember that you will have 100% renewable energy and an electronic bill.

Yes, Iberdrola is committed to maintaining the conditions its customer chose when signing the contract. That's why will still bill you for the same hours automatically. However, if you prefer, we have contracts with three time periods under the new toll fee with the schedules described.

In the same way as the customised plans and their promotional periods, the new tariff structure offers you cheaper prices at certain times of day (low/off peak times). If the way you use energy fits these new time periods, you can make savings on your bill.

Your bills will be identical, however, in June you will get two bills in one envelope (by email if you use e-billing). One of the bills will be for the days before 1 June and the other for the days after 1 June. So as not to inconvenience you, we have decided to debit your bank for the total of both bills.

Generally speaking, the items will remain the same. What you will see is that you will have a greater number of items, such as, for example, switching from one to two billed power ratings.

Yes, this regulation does not affect your bills and therefore you will continue to receive your bill as often as before.

The difference in price depends on the access tariff and each customer's individual energy use habits. Generally speaking, you will see the power for which you are billed (fixed term) will go down and that the charge for energy (variable term) will go up, so there will not be much of a change.

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