We rattle off per week two prizes of €5,000!
In February, by signing up for your Electricity Plan, you will enter into a draw for a prize of €5,000. What are you waiting for to participate?

How much will I pay with this Plan?

Oferta válida hasta el

Selecciona tu potencia información

Incluir impuestos

La mayoría de los hogares contrata




Elegido por la mayoría de los hogares

Incluir impuestos

Elegido por la mayoría de los hogares

Precio por potencia información

Es lo que pagas por la energía que tienes en casa. Se factura por cada kW contratado y se paga siempre, tanto si enciendes la luz como si no.


Periodo Punta

37,49 €/kW año

Periodo Valle

8,80 €/kW año

Precio de energía
consumida información

Es la energía total que consume cada aparato al funcionar. Se mide en kWh y será mayor si pones la lavadora una hora en lugar de treinta minutos.


Horas mejor precio

0,114072 €/kWh

Horas sin promoción

0,251232 €/kWh

Sign up in 3 easy steps


Compare plans and find the electricity tariff that best suits your needs

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Any questions?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions

Yes, we promise not to change your set price for 5 years, with no minimum lock-in period. You will only be charged the CPI and the regulated items will be updated, upwards or downwards, in the event of changes. In addition, our Made to Measure Plans are flexible and you can change to a new Plan whenever you want, except from a Summer Plan to a Winter Plan and vice versa.

No, neither for the Stable Plan nor for the 3 Period Plan. However, you must have it for any of the other Customised Plans. This is because we need to remotely receive your hourly consumption in order to bill you cheaper for the hours when you have a promotional price.
Yes, electronic billing is included. It is fast, secure (with full legal validity), convenient, ecological and free of charge. This will make your operations easier and help reduce CO2 emissions.

A discount of up to €100 will be applied quarterly for the first 12 months of the contract duration in amounts of €25 on bills issued 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months after signing up for the Plan and provided that the customer continues to be subscribed to the same contracted Plan on that date.


Do you still have questions?