Audit and Energy Diagnoses
We want to be by your side during your own energy transition. In order to do so, we put all our knowledge in energy and respect for the environment at your company's disposal.

Why is it right for me?

Customised savings
We will suggest the best solutions for you to save energy and avoid emissions.
Respectful with the planet
There are solutions to improve your results while caring for the planet.
Peace of mind
We take care of everything.
What does it involve?
We carry out an in-depth study of your company's energy sources and uses. We assess all existing savings possibilities with current technology and subsidies.
The aim is to present you with the most interesting options to save energy, energy costs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
What is the process?
Information collection
Our technician will study your set-up to gather all the necessary information.
Technical visits
To understand how the equipment works and how it is operated and to take measurements for the study.
Analysis and report
Our technician will present the energy status of the installations, potential energy saving options and estimated gain.
Is my company obliged to do so?
The regulation of energy efficiency commitments and environmental reporting is becoming increasingly demanding and is constantly evolving.
If you have any questions, please write to us at:
For example, Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and its transposition in Spain into Royal Decree 56/2016 obliges Large Companies to carry out an Energy Audit according to the UNE-EN 16247 family of standards.
But in 2023, the new European Efficiency Directive increased the requirement, obliging companies consuming more than 85TJ to implement an Energy Management System and those consuming more than 10TJ to undergo an Energy Audit.
In addition, new non-financial reporting regulations require companies to calculate and report their greenhouse gas emissions, among other environmental impacts.
Contact us. We will study your case and tell you what obligations your company has and what are its the best alternatives.
If your company or group of companies is considered a "Large Company" (more than 250 employees or €50 million turnover), you have several obligations (Energy Audit, Reporting of non-financial information).
In addition, depending on the date and the Autonomous Community where your company operates, there may be local regulations that affect you.
Contact us without obligation at:
We will look at the most efficient way for you to meet your energy and emissions reporting obligations. We will explain the conclusions of our study to you and submit the necessary documentation to the competent authorities.
Contact us without obligation at:
Energy audits have to be carried out at least every 4 years if you do not have an Energy Management System (according to ISO 50001) in place.
Contact us without obligation at:
An Energy Audit and an Energy Diagnosis are very similar. The difference is that the Energy Audit is carried out in accordance with the UNE-EN-16247 family of standards in order to comply with the European Efficiency Directives and their transposition. They also require formal registration with the public administration to prove that it has been done.
However, the Energy Diagnosis is not compulsory due to a standard and does not require submission to the Government. It is interesting to carry it out because of the amount of saving and emission reduction measures we will provide you with
An energy management system is an organisation's methodology and tools to set and meet energy saving targets. It is similar to other management systems of your company's activity, but focused on energy uses and sources.
If you have any queries or you are thinking of implementing an Energy Management System, write to us at:
Ways of signing up
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